

tech, culture & random thoughts

28 May 2023

Identifying effort drivers for estimations using the c4 model

1,721 words, ~6 min read

My experience utilizing the c4 modelling technique to identify and communicate effort drivers for implementing a new software feature.
26 Sep 2022

Organized Chaos with a Drift

981 words, ~3 min read

Attending the SoCraTes2022 unconference and discovering the magic of group dynamics
12 Dec 2021

doing microfrontends with nginx and ssi

788 words, ~3 min read

Loosely coupled systems increase development performance. How hard can it be to decouple parts of a frontend using nginx with ssi?
21 Nov 2021

Talking Cost In (Agile) Software Development

1,457 words, ~5 min read

![agile vs programming motherfucker](/images/cod-comparison.png) Agile manifesto vs the programming motherfucker manife...
11 Nov 2021

How to build animations with ebiten using the ECS pattern

2,495 words, ~9 min read

Having played computer games more or less all my life with varying intensity it always has been a dream of mine to bui...